Back in July last year, I made a comment that I love the apron that I received from Delmar's mom and would love to have more of them. Now let me say, I'm not really sure how many people actually read this blog because comments are rarely left, it's more of a journal for me. But I'm happy to say that I now know that my Aunt Dorothy does read my blog. I know this because she sent to me not one but TWO vintage aprons. One is red with a fish pocket and the other is a floral print with pink pockets that have buttons on them. I love them both and they are a wonderful addition to my collection. THANK YOU SO MUCH AUNT DOROTHY!!!!!!!!! Here is a picture of them all hanging in the laundry room just outside the kitchen.

I'm also happy to report that when I now do laundry, the whole neighborhood can't hear. My new front loading washer and dryer are so quiet I forget they are running! Aren't they pretty???

I've got lots more to post about but no time to do it just now but I'll be back soon!
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