In another blog that I frequent, the lady said that she feels like a yo-yo. One day she is up and the next she is down. While I pray that I never experience her type of yo-yo (her daughter drowned in a swimming accident last July-see "Life With Hannah and Lily" blog on the right), I can still relate to the up and down thing. Last night and this morning we are on a yo going up.
These next two days are ALL thing recital. Last night we practiced the hair. Emily sat perfectly still while I rolled her hair on these really cool spongy type rollers that look nothing like a roller at all. Thought I'd take a picture and show you:
Here is her hair "on rollers":
She started out sleeping on her tummy, saying the rollers hurt her head. But, by the time I went to bed she was comfortably laying on her back.

As I usually do on the eve of important events, I had a dream. This one was about the hair. In this dream, we took the rollers out and her hair was still stick straight.
This morning she got up about 3o min. early wondering when we were going to see her curly hair. So here is the end result.
I sprayed it with hair spray 3 times and we shall see how it looks for dress rehearsal tonight. Tomorrow, I'll wait until we are just ready to leave to take it down and hopefully it will last for the two shows at 2 & 7 PM.
Also today, I must fix her costume. I have been procrastinating for over a week. All I have to do is tack the tassel to the costume in two spots. The way I've been putting it off, you would think I was having to make the whole silly costume!
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